Sometimes you acquire a new shed when you move into a new house. Other times, you may have purchased a shed many years ago that’s been used by multiple family members over the years. Whatever the situation, there are often signs to look for when it’s time to replace your shed.
Sag & Rot. Not all sheds are created equal and unfortunately wood that has not been properly treated can lead to rot. Homeowners often tell us that their old shed has “settled”, is sagging or the doors are warping. That’s often due to moisture build up in the wood, leaving cracks and openings in your building which can create mold, mildew and even invite in unwanted guests. Rotten wood is a prime target for insects like termites and other wood boring bugs. Fortunately, the sheds at Hometown are created with fortified steel door frames, guaranteeing the structure stays strong over the years.
Leaky Roof. A leaky roof can not only affect your personal belongings inside your shed but also the floors and walls of the shed, too. Dripping water over time leads to rot, mold and mildew. At Hometown, our buildings have a standard steel roof, or you can upgrade to shingles keeping your dry and your belongings safe, too.
A Rusty Situation. When metal is exposed to moisture, condensation and left open to the elements, rust happens. Rust can weaken the metal structure and wear down important metal components over time. Our steel structures at Hometown are created using Galvalume®, a protective coating that shields against corrosion, ensuring long-term resistance to decay.
Judging a “Building” By It’s Cover. Sometimes it’s as easy as taking a look at your shed to know that it’s time to replace. Peeling paint, rotting wood, sagging doors, broken windows, missing boards and mold and mildew all leave a less than desirable appearance. At times, you may even need to get your building up to your Homeowner’s Associations code. Our LP Smart Siding at Hometown Sheds is an HOA approved option and makes homeowners happy too. Smart Siding includes a 50 year warranty against *any* moisture issues, including fungal decay, and wood boring insects.
No matter what your circumstance, when it’s time to replace your shed, the professionals at Hometown are ready to help you pick out your new building and ensure that it will last for many years to come.