When you’re deciding on a shed to buy, there are lots of choices – and lots of questions. At Hometown Sheds, we want you to ask questions about how our buildings are constructed. When you do, you’re going to discover that our buildings have quality features hiding in our floors.
What type of runners are the floor joists mounted to and how are they secured? Our sheds have 4×6 pressure treated notched runners. The joists are placed inside the notches to create a floor system that cannot move from side to side or back and forth. If that’s not enough to make you feel grounded, every other joist is actually bolted to the runner instead of screwed or nailed. This gives added security and extended floor life.
What are the floor joists made out of and how are they spaced? The joists in every shed we sell are pressure treated 2×6’s. They are spaced at 16″ on center, giving you a stable floor that is suitable for many different types of weight loads. If you are using your new shed for extremely heavy loads, we can also space those runners at 12″ on center.
How thick is the floor decking and how is it assembled to the floor? The floor decking we place on our base is 3/4″ tongue in groove engineered wood. The combination of the 3/4″ thick wood and the tongue in groove assembly makes sure that the floor is extremely stable and does not move when you are walking or rolling things along the floor. Lesser quality floors can actually separate and loosen the fasteners over time, meaning your floor could start getting creaky, or even break.
Of course, these aren’t the only questions to ask. There are many other considerations you’ll make before choosing your shed. Contact one of our sales professionals for advice and explanations – and the best in sheds!